US residents enroll in survival schools

Posted on Nov 10, 2024 / USA

These are not only gun enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists, but also peaceful liberals.

More Americans with liberal views own guns, The Wall Street Journal reported in September 2024. At the same time, a study by employees of the University of Chicago, cited by The New Yorker author Charles Bethea, showed that on average, three out of 10 liberal-minded Americans own firearms. And scientists from Johns Hopkins University found that more than half of Democratic Party supporters who have registered pistols or shotguns in the past four years have never bought a gun in their lives, Bethea writes.

The same trend is being noted by organizers of survival courses. Shane Hoebel, the head of a Mountain Scout school in East Fishkill, New York, says his seminars have seen an increase in liberal men who might have previously scoffed at the idea, and women, in recent years.

Some attendees bring their children. Alex Bryant, the founder of one such school, says his courses initially attracted mostly eccentrics and “war game” enthusiasts. But since the 2020 election, they’ve seen more people “who have never hunted, fished, or had a fire.” Bryant says that’s because “people are seeing signs of turbulent times.”

A Reuters study published in August 2023 found a sharp increase in political violence in the United States: between January 2021 and the time of publication, journalists found more than 200 crimes related to ideological differences.

Nothing like this has been seen since the 1970s, but political violence back then was mostly aimed at property, while now people are more often attacked. Another recent study by researchers at the University of California, Davis, found that one in three American adults (including up to half of Republicans) believes that violence is “usually or always justified” as a means of achieving political goals.

In survival schools, where Americans concerned about a possible surge in violence attend, they learn how to handle weapons and tools, build shelters from improvised materials, use camouflage, navigate the terrain with compasses and maps, and provide first aid. Some courses teach how to remain “invisible” — that is, how to hide from potential persecutors.

The authors of some courses release apps that you can use to study from home. One such app, Collapse Survivor, simulates different situations that could lead to further escalation of political violence, and the user answers questions about how he would act in extreme circumstances. At the end of the test, the app, based on the answers, determines the person’s chances of survival.

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