Why do the British drive on the left?

The practice of driving on the left side of the road has a long history that dates back to ancient Rome.

At the time, most people were right-handed, and it was more convenient for them to walk on the left side of the road and keep their right hand free to defend themselves if necessary. This practice eventually spread throughout the Roman Empire and was adopted by many other countries.

In the United Kingdom, driving on the left side of the road became the norm in the 18th century. It is thought that this may have been influenced by the fact that many people in the UK drove on the left side of the road before the widespread adoption of the horse-drawn carriage. The left side of the road also became the norm in other countries that were part of the British Empire, such as Australia and New Zealand.

There are a few reasons why the British continue to drive on the left side of the road. One reason is that it is simply the tradition that has been passed down through the generations. Another reason is that it can be more efficient in areas with a lot of traffic, as it allows drivers to pass on the right side rather than the left. Finally, driving on the left side of the road may also be safer in countries with a high volume of pedestrian traffic, as it allows pedestrians to be more visible to drivers when they are crossing the road.

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