Why do they wear wigs in courts?

Wigs are a traditional part of the ceremonial dress worn by judges, lawyers, and other legal professionals in some countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, and some other common law countries.

The tradition of wearing wigs in court dates back to the seventeenth century, when wigs were a popular fashion accessory worn by both men and women.

In the legal profession, wigs are worn to symbolize the impartiality and formality of the legal system. The wig is intended to be a neutral accessory that does not distract from the proceedings or convey any particular message about the wearer's personal appearance. Wigs are typically worn by judges and barristers (lawyers who appear in court) in the higher courts, such as the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, as well as in some lower courts.

In some jurisdictions, such as the United Kingdom, wigs are also worn by solicitors (lawyers who do not typically appear in court) when they are admitted to the Bar, which is a formal ceremony that marks their admission to the legal profession.

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